3 Tenant Must-Haves in the Medical Office Space

2019 has ushered in a whole new era of medical office spaces. As technology continues to advance and the needs of contemporary patients diversify, the medical office space had no choice but to adapt. Today’s medical offices hardly resemble their predecessors, and it’s changing how the medical business gets carried out. 

Don’t fall behind – get caught up with all that’s happening in CRE’s medical office sector. We’ve compiled a list of must-have features for today’s medical office spaces. These 3 amenities are today’s most popular trends:

Tech-Centric Offices

As our society continues to move towards technology, the medical office space is following right alongside – and keeping pace with the pros.

Medical offices utilize some of the most advanced technologies and tools that the industry has to offer. Besides high-tech medical machinery, they’re also at the apex of the latest cloud technologies. 

Today’s patient experience is primarily guided by technology. Each office has a unified software that walks a patient through the entirety of their appointment. From the entrance to the exam, technology is used to streamline the process and mitigate errors. The offices use AI and cloud software to analyze data and create personalized patient experiences. 

The medical office sector embraces technology to increase organization. When all the separate areas are connected, it helps appointments go smoother and avoid wasted time. Even the check-in/check-out process has been digitized. Electronic kiosks greet and sign out patients, effectively reducing waiting room congestion and cut down on wait times. 

Energy Efficient Facilities

Sustainability is at the forefront of 2019’s office design industry – and it’s for good reason. 

Amongst commercial buildings, medical office spaces were some of the largest energy consumers. These huge buildings not only need to constantly support high-powered medical equipment, but they also have specific heating and cooling needs. Add in the collective water usage and temperature regulations and we have a massive consumer of resources.

To combat this serious problem, commercial real estate as a whole has begun implementing more and more sustainability efforts. The usage of energy-efficient building materials, solar energy, Smart HVAC systems, and LED lighting are all actively reducing the carbon footprints of medical office buildings. 

Designing with Patient Comfort In Mind  

The most apparent trends aren’t about optimization or organization – it’s about design. Contemporary patients are no longer settling for the traditional medical office scheme. The cold, stark, and antiseptic qualities that once represented this industry is now being replaced by something more familiar. 

Medical office spaces are being designed with patient comfort as one of the greatest considerations. The most popular design elements are those that make the building users feel at home. These elements play a big part in reducing the mental and emotional stresses that medical settings can induce, and instead make people feel at ease. 

Don’t be surprised to see big comfy couches, recliners, entertainment systems, games, and plants in a medical office waiting room. 

What medical office trends are you looking out for? Don’t forget to explore our blog for the latest CRE outlook.