Bill Shattuck, CCIM, CBI

Qualifying Broker/Business Broker

NAI 1st Valley
1155 South Telshor Suite 100
Las Cruces, New Mexico 88011
United States

575 521 1535
575 546 1995 vCard Print



Scope of Experience

Specialties: Multi-Family, Investment, Retail Leasing. Businesses

Background & Experience

- Purchased $1.6 million in assets of Western Furniture/Western Realty and managed staff of 18 during transition. - Owned and operated a retail business for 18 years with average annual sales of $1.2 million in Deming, NM. - Started and led WestStar Escrow in San Diego County which grew to two prominent escrow offices in 2 years. - Developed and implemented the formation of Zero Investment and Escrow Company in Albuquerque, NM, to one of the leading companies in the industry.


Bill attended Western State College and Colorado State University from 1974-1978 majoring in Business Administration, Marketing and Operations with a minor in Construction Management and Architecture. He is a graduate of the Realtor Institute and is a CCIM Candidate.

Professional Associations & Designations

National Association of Realtors Commercial Association of Realtors of New Mexico CCIM Candidate Graduate of Realtor Institute City of Deming, Councilor Extra Territorial Authority Board, Deming, NM, Chairman NAI Investment Council Previously: Chamber of Commerce, President Planning and Zoning Commission, Chairman Deming Soil and Water Conservation District, Vice Chairman City of Deming, Mayor Pro Tem New Mexico Escrow Association, Vice President

Transaction History

- Purchased, subdivided and sold vacant land and commercial buildings. - Designed, built, and leased 12,000 square foot retail store. - 30 Unit Apartment Complex. Designed, rezoned, and developed land to build $3 million complex. - Negotiated sale of furniture business with annual sales of $1.2 million and leased building for 10 years. - Recent Business Sales: Scentchips, Mesilla, NM, and Hurricane Alley, Las Cruces, NM.