Dallas Wright


NAI Columbia
807 Gervais Street, Suite 200
Columbia, South Carolina 29201
United States


dwright@naiearlefurman.com vCard Print



Scope of Experience

Residential Investment Portfolios, Multi-Family Properties and Land 

Background & Experience

Dallas was born on Hilton Head Island and has lived throughout the Carolinas. After graduating from Clemson, Dallas worked as a professional land surveyor before moving to automotive sales with Toyota. He started at NAI Earle Furman as an intern in July of 2018 and joined the team as a broker in January 2019. He specializes is residential investments portfolios, multi-family and land.  


B.S. Agricultural Mechanization & Business, Clemson University, 2015

Professional Associations & Designations

Hunting Retriever Club Member

Ducks Unlimited Member