Michelle DeSanti

Vice President, Program Management

NAI Global
717 Fifth Avenue, 15th Flr
New York, New York 10022
United States

+1 212 405 2466

mdesanti@naiglobal.com vCard Print



Scope of Experience

Michelle DeSanti is Vice President, Program Management for NAI Global and responsible for three core areas of company business, including corporate events (internal and public-facing), member marketing and broker-to-broker transactions. In addition, she serves as the office manager of the New York City office.

The greatest value she adds to the company are her organizational skills, attention to detail, collaborating with the marketing and operations teams and the fact that she deeply cares about her job and co-workers. She likes the changing nature of her job – no two days are alike, learning from events and experiences and applying them to her role with NAI Global by enhancing the company’s Best Practices platform. Her goals with the company include conveying to members the benefits and power of NAI Global’s programs and helping grow the firm’s Women Leadership Alliance program. 

Background & Experience

Managing broker-to-broker transactions entails keeping a daily tally of completed lease and sale transactions by two or more brokers (usually from different markets), prepares management reports on these transactions, tracks payments and on a quarterly basis prepares a report on the firm’s top producers.

The Long Island, New York-native works closely with marketing directors at NAI Global offices around the U.S. and internationally on program support in their respective locations, principally by producing a 15-week Masters in Commercial Property program, or MICP, which is delivered by The Lipsey Company.

Michelle leads and plans three to four NAI University events each year, bringing in guest speakers and trainers to teach classes. She also supports the PDM Mastermind programs at corporate Leadership Summits, helps support the company’s online webinar series and is instrumental in organizing and managing NAI Global’s Annual Convention, which is led by the firm’s Senior VP of Operations. Her member marketing duties include coordinating NAI Global’s sponsorships for industry events by preparing and managing booths at ICSC, SIOR, MIPIM and related conferences. In this capacity, she also manages invoicing, membership and marketing fees and financial reporting associated with these programs. She is also involved in developing a new rewards program for members. 


Michelle DeSanti earned a Bachelors in Marketing and a minor in Public Relations from Iona College.