Tori Connors

Property Manager

NAI Robert Lynn
4851 LBJ Freeway, 10th Floor
Dallas, Texas 75244
United States

214-256-7100 vCard Print


Property Management

Scope of Experience

Tori joined NAI Robert Lynn in May 2022 with the Robert Lynn Management Company. Her role as a Property Manager allows her to work together with Tenants and Owners to assist in the day-to-day operations of their properties. Tori's use of Yardi productivity software, allows her to generate and deliver communications for tenants and other stakeholders. Tori also works to coordinate property maintenance with both onsite maintenance and independent contractors to facilitate repairs, as well as to ensure legal compliance in all managed properties.

Background & Experience

Tori has lived most of her life in McKinney, Texas and currently resides in Pilot Point. Tori has a background in marketing and customer service, where this experience has assisted the clients, tenants and team members she works with daily.

Prior to joining NAI Robert Lynn, Tori was in the fitness industry where she learned that people are her true specialty! She enjoys meeting new people and putting a smile on their faces. 

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