Transit-Oriented Developments and How They Positively Impact Their Communities

You’ve likely seen mobility-inspired projects pop up within your local metropolitan area. 

Over the last few years, there has been a growing trend towards transit-oriented development projects. This popular movement has a positive motivator, and it’s gaining precedence all over the globe. The provided bikes, scooters, shuttles, and other services that are being introduced into cities are doing big things for communities around the world 

Transit-oriented development projects not only benefit the people who use them, but they also empower communities and help the environment. Here’s a breakdown of this growing trend and its game-changing effects.

What Exactly is a Transit-Oriented Development (TOD)?

According to the Transit-Oriented Development Institute, a TOD is defined by: 

“An integrated urban place designed to bring people, activities, buildings, and public space together, with easy walking and cycling connections between them and near-excellent transit service to the rest of the city”. 

These projects aim at creating greater access, mobility, and freedom for community members, helping to reshape communities and meet the needs of today’s population. 

TOD’s Positive Impact on Communities, the Planet, and More

Another characteristic that defines TODs is the consideration for health, financial wellness, and environmental concerns. These solutions all expertly address these prominent issues and find creative solutions that optimize all available resources. 

Instead of working against something, TODs manage to work with it – building stronger projects that have holistic benefits. 

TODs focus on building civil peace in contemporary cities by building lasting foundations for sustainability, equity, and shared prosperity. This is achieved through dynamic community planning that strives for the area’s improvement and growth.

TODs help protect the environment by establishing pedestrian-friendly communities, high-speed trains, and convenient bicycle rental systems. In addition, there’s also an intense focus on using renewable energy sources. These projects encourage sustainability by reducing the toxic effects of single-car use while also providing efficient replacements. 

The Proof Is in the Numbers 

Don’t take all this at face value – there are enough statistics that showcase how effective TODs are at achieving their goals. Check out these 7 statistics from a 2016 study that support transit oriented development projects. 

  1. TODs reduce community members’ dependence on driving by 57%.

  2. TODs allow 46% more residents to easily live, work, and play in their local area. 

  3. The area’s carbon footprint and negative environmental impacts can be reduced by up to 44%. 

  4. 43% of Americans believe TODs provide access to better life services while stimulating the local economy. 

  5. 42% of respondents said TODs provide better access when traveling between urban and suburban areas.

  6. 37% said TODs provide access to better job opportunities.

  7. 30% of respondents said that TODs play a large role in revitalizing urban metros. 

TODs, The Future of Global Cities 

As this trend continues to grow in popularity, it will reshape the very image of cities around the world. In the future, metropolitan areas will become increasingly connected, accessible, and intermixed. This design scheme is necessary for today’s population to meet their needs, supporting community members in living a more balanced life. 

What do you think about the TOD trend? What impacts do you see for CRE?